Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Cosmetic Research

Continuing looking into previous packaging and branding of cosmetics, and looking for those with a more edgey aesthetic and look I've been looking into perfume adverts, a few of my favorites below that have a lot stylistics that are inspiring to the design of my own packaging approach for this brief.

and I couldn't forget this witchy classic!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Sara Huston, Benefit Packaging/Illustration Designer!

Awesome, I found out through the fabulous Dieline whoes responsible for the designs of alot of Benefits packaging!

Again, another designer who doesn't have much to say about themselves on their work and how they got to where they are now unfortunately, so I'll settle for some lovely examples of her work and style.

Benefit Make-up

Researching a bit of 'competition' for my Cosmetic brief, the obvious contender is definitely Benefit Cosmetics, super kitsch, super stylish and super recognizable. The thing that's so definitive about Benefits packaging and design is the keepsake aspect, not just because the products are really expensive (£25 for a powder foundation, seriously?!) but the packaging isn't throw away at all, of all the products I've bought I've kept every empty package/box/container etc, I really think this is something to bare in mind when designing my own brand and packaging, I mean if the consumers going to be spending that much on make-up, a well designed piece of packaging makes it just that bit more worth it! 

These images really don't do the design justice, so I'm going to dig out one of their catalogues and scan the pages in so you can a feel of the style of their approach to packaging and promoting their cosmetics.


While wondering though possible briefs and stumbling onto the current Wagamamas competition brief which I am slightly tempted to participate in due to the fact of a £1000 prize AND £250 IN VOUCHERS FOR WAGAMAMAS!! (nom,nom,nom) and not mention an internship. This brings me onto ContainerPLUS, (said internship) a multi disciplinary design studio. Their work isn't exactly linked to mine but I love their style and working their illustrations into different media platforms.

What they say about themselves, intriguing.

"ContainerPLUS is a multidisciplinary art and design collective specialising in playfully creating multifaceted fantasy worlds across a multitude of 2D and 3D platforms.

We combine illustration, photography, set design, animation and performative elements to form a 360 degree experience. We devote time to personal and experimental projects, enabling us to explore techniques and develop new ideas, which then inform our commercial work."

Some of their work I admire.

Some of their shop front/ decor/ installation work

This work below was created for a cafe in Selfridges, this feminine approach and delicate line art almost seems cosmetic which gives me a spot of inspiration for the rebranding/creating packaging for a range of vintage and boudoir inspired cosmetics.

Summer work : Burlesque design

Here's some designs for a burlesque night I did over summer, thought they'd like in nicely with what I'm featuring here, although now summer seems so long ago and these images feel dated already, I feel I may re-do them, feeling more inspired!

Kev Grey Illustration

Relative to my LBF project, Kev Greys work is also a fine example of an illustrator with a distinctive style working within promo for the Burlesque scene, his style is instantly recognizable and he creates the artwork and promo for the Leeds based monthly cabaret night The Wet Spot. I really like his use of vector line art and the simplicity of his choice of colours, or lack of.

And some totally super cute pocket mirrors, perfect!

Poster Design research

Since posters and promo driven by illustration is definitely a strong running theme throughout my work I'm continuing looking at work by others specializing in this field of illustration. One particular designer is what I can only refer to as Zeloot ( his site really doesn't reveal much, although his work pretty much speaks for itself) Fabulous use of colour and eccentric style of illustration, mmm, shame I just can't find more on the artist themselves.

Commercial Poster Designs


Thursday, 8 October 2009

Colin Gordon Illustration

Colin Gordon is the designer behind all of the previous London Burlesque Festival promotion and design, his style of illustration looks fantastic with his simple graphics, keeping the imagery the main focus, drawing the audience in with his sensual and bold illustrations, perfect advertising for the festival.

Researching for Burlesque Project

As I begin my research for my London Burlesque Festival Project which is to create a series of promo aimed at non-burlesque regulars to enjoy the events on offer, I started with looking at the current promo and advertising available.